Favorite Author:
Denise Fleming
I grew up in a comfortable, middle-class family in Toledo, Ohio. My father spent a great deal of his free time building furniture; my mother was very active in local theater. My sister and I divided our time between making things in the workshop and putting on neighborhood productions.
Papermaking for me is cathartic. Part of its appeal is that it's very physical—toting buckets of water, beating large quantities of pulp, hand-mixing huge vats of color. It's different from the Bob Cratchit-like existence that my former finely detailed style required—hunched over my drawing board with electric pencil sharpener close at hand. What other medium requires that you be up to your elbows in brilliant color? Credit: Denise Fleming Website
Today we are going to share books from such a wonderful author and artist! did you know she makes her own paper ? Her illustrations are beautiful in each of her books and she will teach us some new words and maybe point out some we have already learned!
5 little monkeys jumping on the bed link
5 green and speckled frogs link
Denise Fleming
I grew up in a comfortable, middle-class family in Toledo, Ohio. My father spent a great deal of his free time building furniture; my mother was very active in local theater. My sister and I divided our time between making things in the workshop and putting on neighborhood productions.
Papermaking for me is cathartic. Part of its appeal is that it's very physical—toting buckets of water, beating large quantities of pulp, hand-mixing huge vats of color. It's different from the Bob Cratchit-like existence that my former finely detailed style required—hunched over my drawing board with electric pencil sharpener close at hand. What other medium requires that you be up to your elbows in brilliant color? Credit: Denise Fleming Website
Today we are going to share books from such a wonderful author and artist! did you know she makes her own paper ? Her illustrations are beautiful in each of her books and she will teach us some new words and maybe point out some we have already learned!
READ: Books
In the Small, Small, Pond
In the Tall, Tall, Grass
Sleepy Oh So Sleepy
Time to Sleep
The Everything Book
Shout! Shout it Out!
Alphabet Under Construction
Barnyard Banter
Maggie and Michael Get Dressed
Mama Cat has Three Kittens
Go, Shapes Go!
The First Day of Winter
and many more!

your happy and you know it (intro song)
Bitsy Spider with egg shakers
t wait to celebrate Song #2 Blue Jim Gill CD-
Dance Contest #8 Jim Gill Cd (use scarves)
song (use egg shakers)
Row Row Row Your boat song (songs for wiggle worms CD)
Butterfly in my Soup By Betsy Q CD (same name)
Crayon Song (credit-previous coworker)
tune of ten little indians song
1 little, 2 little, 3 little crayons
4 little, 5 little, 6 little crayons
7 little, 8 little 9 little crayons
10 little crayons in box.
Take out a red one and draw a circle(draw in the air with finger)
take out a red one and draw a circle
take out a red one and draw a circle
put it back in the box (show open hand up (as box)with a single finger (crayon)likes going back in your box.
continue with verses:
take out a blue one and draw a line
take out a yellow one and draw some scribbles
take out a purple one and square
take out a green one and draw some grass
each time putting each color back in your box
end with repeating first verse again to show all crayons are put away.
colors and actions can be changed to suit your needs.
Felt Board time:(links are to storytelling is fun to purchase. if you do not want to purchase you can use clip art or you may already own either of this feltboards which are library does.)5 little monkeys jumping on the bed link
5 green and speckled frogs link
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