President's Day
President's Day is in February and is a day to celebrate the leaders of our country and get to learn a little about our U.S. history. It Usually falls on the third Monday of February 19, 2018.
What is a President?
Ask your preschoolers who the president is? Ask them what the president does and then explain briefly his job.
READ: Books
President's Day By Anne Rockwell

This Little President: A Presidential Primer By Joan Holub

Smart About the Presidents By Jon Buller

P Is For President By Wendy Cheyette Lewison
Duck For President By Doreen Cronin
Clifford Goes to Washington By Norman Bridwell
President's Day By Margaret McNamara (Robin Hill School) (K-3)
George Washington's Teeth By Deborah Chandra (K-3)
My Teacher for President By Kay Winters (K-3)
Splat the Cat for President By Rob Scotton K-3)
Liar, Liar Pants on Fire By Diane Degroat (K-2)
Arthur Meets The President By Marc Brown (K-3)
If I Ran for President By Catherine Stier (1-3)
Grace for President by Kelly Dipucchio (Grade 1-3)
President Taft Is Stuck inthe Bath By Mac Barnett (K-2)
It's a Very Special Day
sung to Yankee Doodle
It's a very special day today,
Yes sir! (Clap twice.)
It's a very special day today,
Yes sir! (Clap twice.)
It's President's Day,
When we can shout and say,
Have a happy, happy, happy, happy, day!(Clap twice.)
Credit Preschool Plan it
Five Little Pennies
Five little pennies rolled in the door.
One was spent and now there are four.
Four little pennies belong to me.
One was lost and now there are three.
Three little pennies put in my shoe.
One bought a toy and now there are two.
Two little pennies sitting on my thumb.
One fell off an dnow there is one.
One little penny hot from the sun.
I picked it up and now there are none!
EXTENSION: Make 5 pennies out of felt (or paper with felt velcro on the back) and recite this poem on a flannel board. Credit Preschool Plan it
Do You Know? (Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb)
Do you know who's on the penny?
On the penny? On the penny?
Do you know who's on the penny?
Abraham Lincoln.
Do you know who's on the quarter?
On the quarter? On the quarter?
Do you know who's on the quarter?
George Washington.
Credit Childcare Lounge
President Alphabet Game
Tape letters to the floor in a circle. While the music plays, have the children march around the circle. When the music stops, they must find a letter to stand on. Pull a letter card out of a bag, and call out that letter. The child standing on that letter becomes the “President” for the next round of the game. (Place a special chair in the middle of the circle for the President to sit in.) The “President” can be the one to pull out the letter card the next time. Be sure to play some patriotic music, such as The Grand Old Flag, America the Beautiful, Stars and Stripes Forever. Credit Pre-kindersHappy Presidents Day Coloring
Log Cabin Craft
Show Me The Money Activity
Preschool Presidents day Printables 3.25 to print
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